As the cool breezes of Spring the garden the kindness of plenty of moisture through last month is helping flowering buds to open and give another lovely pop to the lush foliage that will provide all the exquisite textures of Summer. Above is Chrysogonum virginianum (Green and Gold) blooming between Helleborus argutifolius and in the distance Dryopteris erythrosaura.
In the moss Memorial Garden at the foot of the stone Meditation Bench the most prolific ground cover and bloomer at this time of year is Saxifraga stolonifera (Strawberry Begonia) . It is happiest growing in a consistanty moist but not waterlogged spot. Here it cohabitates with Anemonella thalictroides (Rue Anemone). Both will colonize a space. The Saxifraga is a bit more agressive.
Saxifraga has made a fine edge in the Driveway Garden
And here it has found it's true and favorite home in the cracks of a short stacked stone wall. You see, it grows naturally in the wild on cliffs of rocks with seeping water keeping its roots moist but not water logged. Helleborus x hybridus seedlings cover the stone path and above the wall you might notice a miniature Rose in bloom. It gets just enought afternoon sun to put on a show. The fern is Bracken Fern surrounding Virginia Creeper. I have my work cut out for me in this little corner editing the lush growth.
The little frog sitting on the wall is looking up at the tall single stem of a Geranium macrorrhisum flower playing among Helleborus, Sedum and purple leaves of Oxalis regnellii.
A shock of textures waiting to bloom later in the summer. Acorus and Hosta mingle with purple Oxalis.
Across the courtyard path the last of the buds and blooms of Iris virginica 'Contraband Girl' dancing above Geranium leaves.
And down the way is a favorite blooming Campanula portenshlagiana that has been in one of Lasting Impressions planter balls for at least 8 years. It sits in full shade under a Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Drupacea' still showing it's chartreuse tips of spring growth. The wooden piece is a Cypress knee.
Shrubs and trees blooming now are Hydrangeas, Hollies, Trochodendron arailiodes, Agarista populifolia and Stewartia monodelpha shown below.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snowflake' under Stewartia monodelpha.
Ilex verticillata 'Red Sprite' and Ilex pedunculosa on the right. Sadly I saw no bees on either plant when I took these images at 7pm.
Agarista populofolia and Trochodendron arailiodes the Wheel Tree just finishing it's bloom.
I'll be eagerly awaiting the tall lily-like flowers of this river of Hosta above a splash of Lonicera nitida later this summer.
Meanwhile I'll be enjoying the huge Tetrapanax leaves among the Dead Nettle....Lamium maculatum and the wonderful sculpture of Pam Beck's specimen Tetrapanax by Lasting Impressions, sculpture mimicking nature at it's best.
Wonder photos and you know soma my big words!