Thursday, June 2, 2016


I have to begin with this shrub's Genus, species and cultivar name. Hydrangea serrata 'Preziosa' belies it's name as mysterious and magical just as the variations of pink are that show up on the hundreds of florets that make up the 6" -8" diameter floral umbels.  

I first saw a young plant in bloom at a friend's house while touring her garden.  On request, she kindly rooted a cutting. Four years into growing this beauty on the north east corner of my house it is spectacular. 

Here in the Piedmont of North Carolina the weather this spring hasencouraged unprecedented  growth.  Cool nights coupled with lots of rain has made it feel like the Pacific NW. Landscape plants are catching up with the predictions of mega Poison Ivy leaves. I have never seen such abundant growth with large leaves on many plants growing in my garden in a woodland. 

This Hydrangea has never bloomed so prolifically. Well, maybe because of its youth.  In any case I luckily placed it well for thriving growth and don't you like the pink against the gray house?  The color combo reminds me of a 'Poodle' skirt my sister wore in the 1950's.  HA